Coda Octopus Products Ltd.




Accurate, Reliable Motion and Positioning Data measured precisely at your sensor’s location with built in NTRIP Client and Atlas Global Correction Service


The F280R Series® is designed as a split housing which separates the GNSS Processing Unit from the Remote Subsea IMU. This design facilitates the GNSS Processing Unit to be co-located with the sensor being used such as the multibeam transducer or subsea laser system. Co-locating the GNSS Processing unit with the sensor facilitates greater measurement accuracy of the true subsea motion and attitude compared to capturing this above the waterline on a vessel or at the top of the survey pole. Deployments in harsh environment applications such as marine construction, renewables and heavy machinery integrations allow the Remote Subsea IMU to be mounted on a platform that can often be fully immersed underwater yet where robust and reliable data is still paramount. In these cases, the GNSS Processor can be safely mounted away from this environment to allow safe interfacing with other survey components.

Defined to meet the exacting requirements of the hydrographic survey market, the F280R Series® systems provides the same high precision and performance as the F280 Series®. Designed to be easy to install, and use, this system provides high precision and accurate positioning, heading and motion data including in dynamic offshore conditions. The F280R Series® also includes a built-in NTRIP Client that allows receiving GNSS DGPS quality GNSS Corrections over the internet without need of any PC. F280R Series® must be connected to Ethernet network with Internet access and a separate NTRIP subscription.

All systems are GPS, GLONASS and BeiDou enabled to improve constellation coverage and our advanced heading lock stabilization solution. The system is designed with an easy-to-use web interface which provides configuration, control and processing functionality including iHeave (intelligent heave).

In addition to real-time heave measurement and output, the F290R now directly computes and outputs our long-standing and proven iHeave (intelligent Heave) solution without the need for top-side processing or software. iHeave is a tailored solution specifically for long period ocean.

Swell compensation and is fully integrated with the F290R Precision Attitude and Positioning Systems. In many parts of the world, hydrographic surveys are severely affected by low frequency ocean swells often up to 70 seconds long, resulting in distortions in bathymetric measurements. Conventional techniques for real-time heave measurement can only offer limited accuracy and are insensitive to ocean swells exceeding 10 to 20 seconds. The inbuilt iHeave algorithm analyzes the raw motion data and allows a more accurate determination of the real heave motion experienced by a vessel and enables the output of precise heave values for all ocean swells.

Additionally, for extremely rapid vessel deployments, a Pre-Calibrated Housing accessory is available to significantly reduce the installation and calibration phases of operation allowing the Remote Subsea IMU and GNSS Antenna only to be collocated and the GNSS Processor unit mounted elsewhere in a safer location.

Round-the-Clock Support

Dedicated to enhanced customer service and support, TEAM members access a range of benefits alongside unsurpassed 24x7 technical support. Additionally, Coda Octopus offers on-site training for the products and Through Life Support for extended support that goes beyond regular service level support and warranties.

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With expertise in supplying leading-edge software and hardware solutions within our 3D, MOTION and GEO range of products, Coda Octopus has built a reputation of delivering quality solutions and after sales technical support. Contact us to request a quote on our products and services for premier underwater technologies

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